A fond hello to you all, please read this entire message, eh?
Basically, this is not so much as an update as it is an importance notice of request, both urgent and relevant.
As most of you may know, if you have been reading my blog (www.myallyistheforce.blogspot.com) or reading my email updates or even facebook status updates, i, along with the RHYTHM team of S.E.N.D ministries of 8 other people, are approximately halfway through our excursion throughout all of central america. Currently, i am writing you from Potter's Field Ranch of San Martin, of El Salvador, but this information i will share for an update.
this is where the importance comes in:
i state this somewhat shamefully
as i have never been able to do such things easily
but we left california with tickets from Tijuana Mexico to Chetumal by the border of Belize, and we have plane tickets from Panama City, Panama back to LA, California, on October 31st.
we left with half of the money that we estimated that we needed for the whole trip.
we obviously, are halfway through our trip.
that meaning, we have ran out of financial support.
i want to say that none of us are freaking out.
we may individually have certain anxiety, fears, worries, or whatever else, but we are trusting in God in all things, including this.
in 10 days we are scheduled to go to Nicaragua, we have enough money to arrive there
and then, nothing more, at all.
and i desperately need to say two things: the first being that i truly do have a hard time asking for money, in any scenario, i hate that feeling, it's just the reality of it, and the second thing is, i am not writing this to scare anyone into giving money.
i can expand on both these issues with one idea (two birds, one stone, always preferred method)
God is Almighty. if you read this and don't be believe in God (which is an issue all to it's own), you must still understand that the idea of God is completely functional on the fact that He is Almighty, theology doesn't work unless God is Almighty (in regards to power, knowledge, presence, and beyond - infiniteness)
so i write all these things to let you know of the truth of the situation, the facts - if you feel obligated by some other convicting power other than God and the Holy Spirit, then disregard that obligation.
i don't need your money
i, and the team i am with, we need support, it's true, but we want God's Provision.
The israelites in the Bible were reprimanded by God for going to Egypt for resource, help, and protection, instead of God - i don't intend to make the same mistake
if we don't get the financial support, we will be forced one way or another to go home
i'm okay with this fact; i don't think, however, that's what God wants to do, but if it is, this is okay with me.
if you support, and i pray that those whom God asks, will, i don't want it out of obligation - because i could probably raise the money, or steal it, or sell a kidney or something outrageous, but that is not what God is calling me or this team to do, He's calling us to trust him, in all things, and to press in and ask Him to provide the impossible (at this point, the money we need is quite implausible and i hesitate to even say; IF YOU WANT TO KNOW THE FINANCIAL NEED, CONTACT ME VIA EMAIL AT THIS ADDRESS OR FACEBOOK)
In the Bible is a story of a wise leader of the Sanhedrin of Jews, Gamaliel (acts 5:33-39) where Gamaliel tells the people to leave the apostles of Christ alone and stop trying to persecute them, because if it is a work of God through the Apostles, then the people will find themselves fighting and striving against God, rather than just the men.
in a similar fashion, if you gain the money outside of God's provision, then i, and whoever gives financially out of obligation because i made them feel bad, might be striving against something God might want to do.
i'm really not worried, but i really do need financial support, but i really don't want it unless God provides it
so, please, step back, get with the Lord, and pray, and ask concerning this issue (this you should feel obligated to do). Ask the Lord if this is an issue that you need to support (there are thousands of missionaries in the world, who all need support, we SHOULD be supporting someone, no matter what)
and at the very least and most, please pray for us, if you have already, please do! write to me, ask me how's its going, let me tell you stories of what God is doing
if you want to support, and are lead to do so
please visit my blog, and find the support button via PAYPAL (www.myallyistheforce.blogspot.com)
you can send cash or checks to SEND MINISTRIES - Erik Mason at this address
Send Ministries
885 Vista Way
Vista,Ca 92084
with fastings, and prayer, and sincere needs, i write these, hope to write you in 10 days telling you how God did a miracle for us, God bless you all, and us.
with dire and urgent, and a slightly embarrassed regards