They're like animals, and I slaughtered them like animals
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We often view the process that we have so colorlessly yet simply picturesquely deems as "dying to self" as one that is a public spectacle that everyone seems to feel inclined to witness.
watch me die
if you can
because i intend for my cross-carrying death
to take place on the altar.
in the holy of holies, where not all may enter.
because, many of us die
some would say we're always dying inside
most of these are dying outside the camp, as far away as possible from the One
( i think it's safe to say that their amount of distance is translatable to their rate of deceasing, not realizing that Life is found in Him, that healing is found in the Healer, and that the darkness that can dull and kill so slowly yet so rapid as to become uncontainable is dispelled and diminished in His Glorious Light)
it's paradoxical to say that Abundant and Vibrant life is found on dying on the altar, presenting our bodies as a living sacrifice, a sweet smelling aroma unto the Living One...
but paradoxical ideals and ideas are most certainly the ideals and ideas that carry the most weight and depth
these paradoxical conceptions, are the only things that can affect and transform and advance
this is a concept, needing much expansion - Christianity is full of paradoxical states, which, seemingly, is exactly why it works
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