For eight hundred years have I trained Jedi. My own counsel will I keep on who is to be trained.
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week one, day 2, saturday, july 24
- well, i've been in belize long enough to make my first landmark. but not of land. but of time. but i'm too tired to remember the word.
i'm going to try to explain the schedule here, for Rhythm, hence the lack of eloquent descriptive element.
Belize, Belize City
-Sunday, we split into two groups, a smaller group goes to South Belize (Seine Bight) where the Pastor of Port Loyola (which is where we are based out of here while being here in Belize) is currently teaching at a smaller church and a school in a smaller village in those areas, covering for another pastor who is away.
-last monday, we had a very different mission, but which will require more information, so i'll skip it, but we typically will do work projects on monday through wednesday,
-have a fun night with the church group called VOLUME,
-and eat dinner with some of the creole(kriol) families from the church,
-then have the actual service on wednesday.
-thursday is our fun day, to go explore belize and do something... tourist-y. it's kinda sweet, but then i feel kinda tourist-y which isn't sweet. but who can complain about seeing mayan ruins? well, i can. it was hot and the monuments were way too high.
-friday can be either going door to door evangelism in Port Loyola (did i mention that Belize city is one of the most dangerous cities per capita in the world and Port Loyola is one of the two most dangerous areas? food for thought) or a work day before we do an evangelic small outreach in the area.
-saturday is our team day, to come together, and to intercede for the country, and to just get stuff done.
at the end of our time here in Belize, we will actually go south, to Bible Boot Camp, which is a conference for people to study and grow in the scriptures, They are going through Acts, and through Judges, as well as doing a worship class, and an Inductive Bible Study class, among a few others. we are going to help facilitate and basically be camp counselors.
from there it's Guatemala, which we have only heard bad things about, ever.
i'll write another blog later with some of the stories and descriptions, and hopefully i'll regain my sense and my writing flair which apparently dissipates with extreme heat and humidity.
-erik mason
"creole(kriol)" I'm glad i'm not the only one who couldn't decide which spelling to use.
Good to hear about everything so far... will be praying for you.. thanks for updates... always seek to do better and have your heart with greater desire to reach out than all else..
God's blessings
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