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Look, it's only one more season.

Posted in By EJ Mason 0 comments

O LORD I need You

Capture me again

Steal me away

Take me deeper to Your heart

Surround me with Your love

And hold me close

And never let me go

So close that I can feel Your every breath

Until my heart begins to dance with Yours

Never let me go

Won’t You take me to a new place

To a realm of mercy and grace

Where love

Love flows heavy

Like a waterfall of honey

Let Your love be poured out on me

Overcome me

Overcome me

(-Waterfall - United Pursuit Band)


If you end your training now - if you choose the quick and easy path as Vader did - you will become an agent of evil.

Posted in By EJ Mason 0 comments

So i write from a different and unusual perspective and a different world.

- i'm at home, that in itself is unusual, being that i do have a home.

"there she is"

- i'm writing from my very own laptop, which is different, and a little intimidating.

- i'm lying down, unable to move extensively because of a snowboarding injury (no comment).

-and i'm thinking.

Now, thinking isn't so unusual for me, i often find myself contemplating mindlessly, much like Fyodor Dostovesky's character from Brothers Karamazov, Smerdyakov (except without the murderous temperament, of course) - but i'm thinking about the future, about plans and details, ideas and issues, and this is not very normal for me.
but it's necessary, although i don't enjoy it.

it's necessary now because RHYTHM is over, and we are preparing for out different sections of ministry outreaches.
i myself, along with Tonya Thomas, will be leading an outreach excursions to North India, initially commencing in Leh, i believe.
and usually, i just do things, on whims, and hunches, and feelings, and figure out details and plans along the way. i'm sure there will be room for this, but right now, it makes me feel a bit stuck and a bit hopeless, but ever hopeful of the greatest underlying theme, of course.

as far as being back, it's a struggle with issues of all sorts, but i still rather enjoy the time of being back. i don't know where to live or where to go currently, but that's always been a part of the adventure, and i'm learning to rely on faith in Christ and His Power, and not on my personal enjoyment of a horrible inconvenience.
but the one thing that i can affirm as always, an undying theme in the dying lives of Christians,

we all must grow and continue to grow

if we think we have reached some sort of apex, we have missed the path altogether and shall never find our way until we have ruined ourselves so much that the beauty of our brokenness will be mathematically translated from an initial number, representing our brokenness, but being an output of exponential increase, as the beauty of brokenness, leading us to intimacy with God.
we cannot stop excelling in what God has given us, not now, with the new year upon us, we should resolve ourselves to grow steadily in godliness, which culminates very many things.
Jesus is coming back, so we can't stop now, i realize numerous people consider 2012 to be humanity's final year. although i cannot comply with this idea, we should be living like this is our last year, that each and every moment is precious and a chance to redeem the time.

so, i'm icing and heating my foot between two buckets of hot and cold water, and it's rather excruciating, but maybe next time, i will be more cautious of how i attempt Aeriel stunts in snowboarding. yet i'm learning, growing, changing, through success and mistakes, and prevalence and failure. that's all we can really do at the end of the day.

God bless, pray for me and for S.E.N.D, and i hope we can continue growing in all areas of life this new year

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