The war is over. The Separatists have been eliminated. And the Jedi rebellion has been foiled. We stand on the threshold of a new beginning.
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Hey, i apologize for the lack of my updates. our "team" computer breathed its last and left me unable to say anything, but let me say this.
We have safely arrived back in California, and i write from North County California, sitting where i had once written in months past concerning the truth that has just now come to fruition.
Despite seeing numerous countries, meeting hundreds of peoples and being involved in their lives, and thousands of spanish errors, we have arrived to our destination
we are not finished yet.
soon we will be split up and some of our 9 group will go to Texas, to tell churches out there about our experiences, and about S.E.N.D. ministries, and the pathways of God's opportunities for our lives concerning missions; while the rest of us stay in Southern California visiting several churches and sharing God's heart with our brethren in the Body of Christ about His desire for His beloved to wake up, to be awakened to the Heart of Jesus.
although, we rest today, and visit dearly missed friends and family, we are still in the middle of this adventure; soon, we'll be whisked away again to far-away countries, wherever the Spirit may carry us, and we'll have more stories, and more jokes, and more adventures, and hopefully, we all and everyone we come into contact with will have more of Christ in their hearts.
we still need help in support of prayer and finances, and i will still communicate and transcribe, to the best of my abilities and availability, the stories that consists of this blog.
before i go and find something meaningless to do, i do want to mention our friend James Chapman - his family has recently experiences a tradegy, that although i don't have right to disclose details, it should be said that prayer for comfort will not go unheard. so please consider them in your times with the Lord
well, i'm tired of using computers, and the sun is setting, literally, and i want to be a part of it in some way or form
thank you all, and i will re-update the past adventures, whenever the surf is bad.