I can only protect you, I cannot fight a war for you.
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Nicaragua, Managua City, 9/18 - 9/28
Although, we had enjoyed ourselves in El Salvador, we carried on into Nicaragua, which I was excited for, but a bit apprehensive for the sake of the team. I’ve heard a lot of great stories about Nicaragua, but I’ve also heard all the different horror stories. Every place has its horror stories; where there are people, there are troubles. I’ve seen Nicaragua before and I was excited to spend some real time in the city that many of my friends has spent part of their lives there.
First off, Nicaragua actually is the poorest country (so we are told) in the western Hemisphere: apparently, Haiti was the most economically declined, but after the recent relief efforts that internationally have been contributed, now Nicaragua has slipped into that unfortunate positioning. Nicaragua also is a war-torn country, whereas El Salvador has a stable government but rebels and gangs that continue the unrest, Nicaragua has its political parties to rip apart their own country. Socialism is the governing power now, and has been in the past, which has inherited all the problems that one reads about in their “Government” class. War and rebellion is in the air, “viva la revolucion” is painted on every corner, and the statues to commemorate Nicaragua’s accomplishments are revolutionist leaders toting their assault rifles.
But that is life for some countries, and the people are rather apathetic about it all, as long as they can survive and have a television set.
As for us, we were quite busy: in the morning, we did service projects or taught english at the school nearby; evening, we went out into the streets to talk with people and pass out tracts and invite them to church; and at night, we helped with the services, whether it was playing the songs for worship or teaching.
It was a sweet time for us a team and with our contacts there. Despite all the things that Nicaragua has to go through on a daily basis, they are sweet people and our team loved Managua and our time there. It’s a place where I will have dear friends for a long time. it's amazing to see a church with so many youth in Central America; especially, young and older men of God whose hearts are for God and for their people, it's truly a rare thing. they fight a battle that no one else understands and can only come along side of them and help lift them up and push them forwards. i love them dearly and i saw how much the Lord loves them and cherishes their presence.
and so, R&R time
After Managua, we went to San Juan Del Sur for our time of rest.
And I surfed for the first time in a few months.
Yeeeaaaaaa, daaaaaah
More about that when I update again!